In-person Consultation

Address: 11669 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite, 110, Los Angeles, CA, 90025
Free parking in rear.

Thank you for arranging your in person consultations with Dr. Sean Behnam. Please read this thoroughly. This will allow for smooth and thorough consultation.

Please note that sometimes we run behind and there may be a delay. Please be patient. We give every person the maximum amount of time needed.

During the consultation, you will meet with both Dr. Sean and Steve, the consultant who Dr. Sean has performed his transplant. You will have the opportunity to see how natural hair transplant looks in person. Dr. Sean will then comprehensively evaluate your hair and answer all your questions. 

Steve before and after his hair transplant

Please watch this very IMPORTANT VIDEO prior to the consultation to fully understand Dr. Sean’s philosophy towards hair transplantation.

How to make the consultation go smoothly?

Things to do and think about!

1. If there is a spouse or partner helping you with decision making, please have them present as well.

2. For the consultation please remove wigs, extensions, tight braids, hair fibers etc.  We like to see your hair in its most natural form. 

3. You can wash off your hair fibers once you get to the office.

4. For those who shave their head, please let the donor area grow for at least one week.

If any of these are concerns, you can contact Steven directly on his cell 310-866-997 or Dr. Sean at 310-237-8760 (there may be a delay). Text is best.

Do you take any protein shake? Is it concentrate or isolate ? (isolate causes hair loss). Please let us know during the consultation.

We are very excited to evaluate and meet you, and this an important decision and we want you to be as comfortable and knowledgable as possible.

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