Laser Therapy for Hair Thinning- Why We Recommend It.
Finesteride/ Propecia became a hair loss medication by accident. It originally was prescribed for those with an enlarged prostate. Patients who were taking the medication were experiencing thicker hair. The dosage was reduced and it became a medication for thinning hair. Monoxidil/ Rogain was originally a blood pressure medication. Patients taking the medication experienced thicker hair so it became a hair thinning remedy. Laser therapy has been proven to have so many healing effects by increasing blood flow to the area exposed. In 1967, Dr. Endre Mester first noticed that shaved mice exposed to laser light experienced rapid hair growth. Dr. Mester’s original objective was not to learn the laser’s effects on hair growth but the results were such that it spawned a whole new area of research.
Over the years, some have claimed that laser therapy can grow new hair. We do not believe that this is true, but we have seen all patients who consistently use laser therapy enjoy thicker hair. Especially those who are just starting to thin and not yet transplant candidates. Laser therapy could help this patient to never become a transplant candidate. Home laser devices may be shared and can be used by those who have no hair loss but would like thicker hair. At Dermatology & Hair Restoration Specialists we offer the Capillus laser cap and a 100% guarantee for those who purchase one. It has been F.D.A. approved for safety and effectiveness. There are cheaper laser home devices, and though most are F.D.A. approved for safety, the Capillus has also been approved for effectiveness. To us, this means that the Capillus has the proper setting to ensure that patients using the device get the maximum benefit. What does this mean “proper setting?” Without getting too technical it is important to note that lasers have different settings based on their purpose. Obviously a laser that is used for cutting is at a much different setting than a cold laser that is used for healing. It is also important to note that over the years it has been discovered that there is an optimal setting and usage to get optimal result. This is why the F.D.A. approval for effectiveness is so important to us. Any product that we recommend, we stand behind- hence the 100% guarantee. In spite of the guarantee, we do not want our patients wasting their time on a remedy that has not been fully researched and has had every possible effort made toward effectiveness. We have been selling the Capillus since November of 2014 (shortly after it received its’ effectiveness approval), and we have not had a single patient be unhappy with the results they have received. We are not claiming magic. The bald man will not get a full head of hair from laser therapy. We are guaranteeing that patients who use the Capillus laser cap will have a reversal of thinning. The company (Capillus) says that “some patients” will experience up to a 22% increase in volume. Our experience has been that all who have purchased a hat has experienced an increase in volume.
Like finesteride and monoxidil, the accidental discovery of its’ effects on hair thinning, enhances its’ credibility. Again, laser therapy for hair loss is not magic but cold laser treatment is a tried and true method of healing. Its’ ability to increase blood flow to an area has proven to be effective in wound healing and internal inflammation. For hair, the increased blood flow induced by cold lasers increases oxygen and nutrients to the follicles. The result is is a reversal of thinning and thicker hair. For a free consultation with Dr.Sean Behnam to learn more about laser therapy for hair loss as well as all other hair loss remedies call 310-829-4291.