Out-of-Town Hair Transplant Patients
For patients who are interested in having a procedure but live to far to come in for a consultation we can answer your questions and, in most cases, evaluate if you are a candidate without you having to meet Dr. Sean in person.
We begin by having you email us pictures of the area you would like filled as well as pictures of your donor area. Please see that all pictures are clear and well lit and pictures of your donor area should have a comb or your fingers running through it to make sure that we can see your density.
One we have your pictures and Dr. Behnam has had a chance to evaluate them, we can usually handle all questions and arrangements via telephone, Skype or Facetime. For patients who are across the globe, ‘Whatsapp’ has enabled us to have phone conversations free of charge.
We have patient all over the world and today’s technology keeps us connected. So if you are out of state or out of the country but are interested in having a procedure with Dr. Sean start the process by sending pictures to [email protected] and we will get back to you to answer your questions about your options and how to move forward.